Various chondrules from H3 Chondrite Brownfield

                                       LPNA images                                                                                                                           LPA images

Spherical chondrule made of glass and feldspars.


Diameter is 650µ


Chondrule with 2 large olivine crystals in fibrous material.


Chondrule size is 900µ

Small porphyritic olivine (350µ)



 Chondrule made of olivine blades and brown glass. Part of the glass has crystallized (middle right of chondrule).


Glass always dark in LPA. Chondrule size is 600µ     

Irregular chondrule with a few olivine blades and pyroxene highly cracked crystals.


Particle length is 1100µ

Granular Olivine-pyroxene chondrule with a dark rim


Particle size is 700µ

Small chondrule with rim. The whole chondrule is a single crystal of bronzite.

Crystal orientation is approximately Bxa with 2V = 75°. Chondrule diameter 240µ

Radiating pyroxene chondrule with several bundles of crystals.


Chondrule diameter 1300µ

Penetration of two spherical chondrules. Length is 1075µ


Microcrystalline chondrules. Single crystals unresolved optically.

Inclusion in chondrite, 1300µ length.


Crystals too small to be identified optically.

Small chondrule  with a few olivine crystals and low birefringence material (pyroxene)


Chondrule size is 330 µ.